- no hair in my eyes ...ever!
- no hair tickling Mark when he hugs me!
- no having to comb or brush or curl or spray my hair!
- huge $ savings on hair care products!
- it takes 45 minutes less time to get ready or work!
- it feels soft...like a baby's bottom!
- it feels so good to rub!
- it's cool to the touch (I am usually warm..this has a cooling effect)!
- it's C O O L !
- people get out of my way in public!
- my head has no scars and is shaped like...a head!
- wigs (should I decide to wear one) fit better than they had when I had hair!
- I lost weight! (ok about 4 ounces)
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
My New Look
I am so happy! Arlene helped me shave my head yesterday. I really like it!
What I like about my new look:
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